Total control of the supply chain, respect for the environment and attention to people:
we are committed to guaranteeing safe products of certified quality in Italy and worldwide.

Only quality-controlled fruits and vegetables

Since 1955, we at Spreafico have been working with a passion and desire to offer people only the best fruits and vegetables, growing them and selecting them solely from production areas that ensure the highest quality. From preparation of the soil right through to the harvest, our technicians ensure that the products grown on our farms are not only healthy, safe and sustainable, but also that they conform to precise quality parameters.

With careful attention we monitor the growth stages of our fruits and vegetables in the field, making sure to pick them only when ready. Our agronomists support the daily work of the farmers in Italy and abroad with whom we have long-standing trusting relationships.

The ingredients of our quality


some of our farmers have been working with us for over 30 years

Respect for
nature’s rhythms

we intervene only when needed, without altering the natural equilibrium

quality control

we only pick fruit when it is perfectly ripe


we select only fruits and vegetables that meet precise quality standards


all our products are fully traceable so we can ensure their safety

Environment: our commitment to a greener future

Our knowhow prompts us to pay close attention not only to the quality of our products, but also to the fields in which Spreafico fruit grows. We work day after day trying to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment, reducing the use of fertilizers and chemical additives in the field, and using sustainable agriculture techniques.

What is more, from 2020 onwards, the electricity our sites use will come from 100% renewable sources.

We have a close connection with nature and the environment—they are our greatest allies. To safeguard them, we are committed to minimizing the use of plastic in our packaging, replacing it with environmentally friendly material that is easy to recycle and sort at home.

Certified quality

The quality certificates that our products, combined with our passion, have been awarded over the years


An international quality management standard which stimulates the constant and continuous improvement of the company with the aim of optimizing its organizational structure.


Ecovadis è una delle principali piattaforme internazionali di rating ESG. La valutazione viene effettuata considerando 21 criteri di sostenibilità suddivisi in quattro temi principali: ambiente, pratiche lavorative e diritti umani, etica e acquisti sostenibili. Spreafico ha ottenuto a Marzo 2024 la medaglia d’argento collocandosi nel 15% delle migliori imprese valutate a livello globale.


The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety ensures that branded products are obtained according to well-defined quality standards, with the aim of strengthening and promoting food safety throughout the supply chain. It is now one of the key requirements to be able to export goods.


The International Food Standards is an international standard that qualifies and selects food suppliers with an effective supply chain and a high level of food security for customers. It certifies a company’s commitment to safety, quality and the standards that govern the agri-food sector, including requirements such as HACCP methodology, GHP (Good Hygiene Practice), GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice).

Organic farming

This indicates a method of cultivation that allows only the use of natural substances, excluding the use of chemical fertilizers, weedkillers, pesticides and fungicides. This entails developing a production model that avoids overexploitation of natural resources such as soil, water and air, as part of a sustainable farming system.


This international certification brand distinguishes products made without exploiting workers or the environment with the aim of improving the conditions of agricultural producers in developing countries. Growers who join the Fairtrade circuit are guaranteed a minimum return for their products.


Certification that guarantees the use of 100% renewable resources for the supply of electricity.


This is a protocol that defines good agricultural practices for crops and farmed products in both environmental (land management, etc.) and product terms (irrigation techniques, crop protection, etc.), as well as animal wellbeing, and the health, safety and working conditions of workers.

GRASP addendum Global Gap

This is a supplementary module of the Global Gap standard focused on assessing the social impact of workers’ activities in agriculture. It certifies their health and safety by focusing on evaluating possible social risks for agricultural firms.

Our people

From technicians to farmers and quality managers: discover the stories of those who work with us

Our people

Sustainability Report

IMPORTANT ISSUES: our Sustainability Report

Report 2023 Report 2022

The Spreafico World

From exotic fruits and berries to ready-to-eat fruit pieces: discover Spreafico products
