Fresh fruit ready to eat!

Discover our fresh and ready to eat fruit lines. Choose Spreafico’s quality and innovation to bring wellness wherever you want!

Wellness line

For those who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing taste, we offer three fruit salads naturally rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Potassium. Ideal for those looking for a healthy fruit boost and want to feel better every day. Vitamina C, Vitamina A e Potassio. Ideali per chi cerca nella frutta un’iniezione di salute e desidera sentirsi al meglio ogni giorno.

Snack line

Dedicated to those who enjoy fruit in mid-day breaks as a healthy and tasty snack and for those who want to combine health, freshness and taste, we offer fruit salad with Protein Muesli or with Chocolate Muesli. granola proteica e Macedonia con granola al cioccolato. Per chi vuole coniugare salute, freschezza e gusto.

Kid's snack line

Designed for the little ones, the Kid’s Snack Line offers three products as a healthy, tasty and fun snack, combining children's favourite fruits with chocolate muesli and chocolate-filled cereal. granola al cioccolato e a cuscinetti di cereali ripieni di cioccolato.